Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Love, Peanut Butter, & Puppies: How the Past Few Weeks Have Been Plus A Buncha' Cool Photographs

It's been an interesting couple of weeks. And by interesting, I mean somewhat frustrating.  An old friend (more than friend) came back into my life a couple months ago.  And now he's left again.  On top of old feelings, I acquired a pretty extensive heat rash over the past weekend that has left me prickly and itchin' like crazy.  I've been taking cold showers because hot ones make the rash worse.  A cold shower first thing in the morning...hmm, sure it will wake you up. It will also cause you to freeze your ass off, climb back under your blankets, and fall back to sleep. 

My all time favorite place in town, Kelleystand Road offers me the Roaring Branch. This is where I am everyday during summer.  
On a lighter note, I've been eating peanut butter straight out of the jar.  I could blame it on stress, I truly could, but you know maybe the stuff is just really melt in your mouth amazing. Speaking of melting, one time as a child, I was melting peanut butter in a microwave to pour it over my ice cream.  Well, I burned myself really good with that hot, liquid peanut buttery goodness.  After that, I steered clear of P.B. for awhile, but recently it has again become my best friend.  

For example, I love Bear Naked Banana Nut Granola.  Throw some bananas and milk in there. That's fine, you have your standard cereal.  I get outta' hand and place a dollop of peanut butter in mine.  Oooh boy, heaven on my taste-buds. 

The Road to Three Green Mountains

My new puppy, Bear, he's about 4 months old now.  Let me tell you something--he is a little shit! He has more energy than I know what to do with.  Plus side to that is I've lost 10 pounds in the past two months.  He also works way better than an alarm clock. He's a beagle and never fails to start hollerin' at 3am.

I get him these Zuke's Dog Treats & he absolutely loves them.  They're natural, too, so I don't feel as shitty about feeding them to him as most other big brand  products are pumped with fillers and other crap.  The Mini's also work great for training.

Bear's favorite things to do are anything he's not supposed to do. He finds it hilarious when he goes to chew a sock and Mom yells at him just before he gets to it and he immediately aborts the mission.  He then proceeds to kissing ass, wagging his tail and wiggling his butt, acting like a good boy and whatnot.  Bear's got everybody else fooled...they think he's so sweet. I know better.

Tammy's Freshly Used Hand Trowel...the dirt adds a nice effect, dontcha' think?

I enjoy the feeling of being tired.  Like right now, I'm exhausted. And it's wonderful. So with that being said, enjoy the rest of these photos and I will be back tomorrow. Goodnight...or Good Day if you're in a different time zone. :P

I'm just in love with this house. The porch and then the screened in side, love it.  It's just so quaint and cute.

Misshapen Heart River Rock I found on Kelleystand.  Only the top & bottom were darker in color.  It reminded me of the steak shaped dog treats you can buy.

Old Church in Shaftsbury, Vermont across from the Apple Barn.

Tammy's Succulent Surrounded Planter.  These line the entire outside edge of the planter and another plant goes inside. It's really cool lookin'!

Suggested Reading:

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